Participants may enroll in a maximum of one class per season. Please read the Swim Lesson Participant Information Page for more details. Participants may not register for two classes in the same session.
If you are unsure what level to register your child for, please call the ORD office and we will try to assist you. If you have taken lessons elsewhere, please provide that information in the comment box "Previous Swim Lessons" so we can properly process your online registration.
If you are going to miss the first scheduled day of class, you MUST notify the ORD Office, 424-0150, prior to the first day of class or you will automatically be DROPPED from the class and replaced with someone from the waitlist.
Registrations will NOT be accepted at the pool site.
NOTE: Pool temperatures and maintenance is regulated by the high school maintenance staff, not the Oshkosh Recreation Department. The water temperature is maintained as best as possible between 78-80 degrees F. which is within state health code standards. Please keep this in mind when attending our classes.
If you have any questions or concerns, please speak with your Instructor at your lesson site or call the ORD at 424-0150.